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Friday, June 24, 2011

Knife Chit Chat

When it comes to knives, whether it be kitchen cutlery, hunting blades or every day carry (EDC) pocket knives, I don't consider myself overly picky.  I carry a Spyderco Native C41PSBBK (see pic below) that I might have to retire after I snapped the tip off doing something I shouldn't have done (cleaning out a paper shredder).  I like the Native a lot and I know there are a number of people out there that don't care for Fiberglass Reinforced Nylon (FRN) handles and/or back locks, I am not one.  I started carrying this knife after I received it from a distributor with wear marks on the pocket clip.  Instead of returning it or selling it at a discount, I decided to make it my EDC knife and with no regrets.

When comparing FRN to a more "grippy" material like G-10, I have found that, at least in my case, that the FRN slides in and out of my pocket easier.  This does not mean that I don't like G-10 or won't carry it, in fact I would prefer G-10 if/when I am using my knife in a manner that may be more aggressive like cutting cardboard.  That extra grip that G-10 offers may make the difference in a trip to the hospital or to the medicine cabinet.

The locking system of a folding knife is designed to safely keep the blade in an open position.  Cutlery connoisseurs have vastly differing opinions on what type of lock style is best.  I am not going to go into the differing styles in the post, each style has a purpose which can range from ease of use to safety or to abide by a law.

I have to tell you that it is now 5days in a row that Sault Sainte Marie, MI has received rain.  Blah!  At least it's not hot and muggy, the last time I checked, the temp. didn't even hit 60 degrees F makes me wonder if I should get the snow shovel out of storage....


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